"I was sick and you looked after me."
Matthew 25:36


Immunizations for Uganda

The only mandatory immunization is Yellow Fever. It must be obtained at a certified center, e.g. Heath department and it must be stamped on your yellow immunization record.


Typhoid, either capsules, or shot(s).

Polio booster.

Hepatitis A/B (combined injection).

Tetanus-up to date.


Hepatitis B series ( many medical personnel should already have).

Meningitis- (many medical personnel may already have).

Not Recommended



Malaria- either Malarone (get from you own doctor), or Doxycycline. (we will supply the Doxycycline)

Doxycycline 100mgm tablets begun daily one day prior to arriving in country and continued daily until after being back in USA 4 weeks.

Less nausea when taken with food, may cause rash with sun exposure. Please take with at least 8ozs. of water and never “dry swallow”.

Note- know your TB skin test status (i.e. - or +)

Please have all completed at least one month prior to going to Uganda.