"I was sick and you looked after me."
Matthew 25:36


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Servanteam Covenant

As members of a Westminster Medical Missions Servanteam, we are sent out in the name of Jesus Christ, to tangibly and effectively demonstrate the love of God, through our ministries of compassion. The goal of each team is to bring honor to Jesus Christ through all that we do and say while carrying out his command to "love our neighbor as ourselves."  

Our teams are privileged to be guests of the country in which we serve and partners with Christian missionaries there. As their partners we have been entrusted with the responsibility of representing them in the same manner as they represent themselves within that community. In addition, the sponsors of the trips intend them to be an expression of Christian faith in practice. They have also entrusted us with the responsibility of representing them well among the people we will be serving.  

With this in mind, though we may come from a variety of faith and life backgrounds, it is essential that all of us understand these purposes and goals. We have also found it important that each team member agree to certain principles of conduct while serving with the team so as to advance, and not detract from, our stated purposes. Those principles of conduct include the following:

1) As a part of a Servanteam we will always put the good of the group before our own personal good. We will each participate fully in the ministry and will do all that we can to build a spirit of cooperation, participation, and service within the group.  

2) As partners with our missionaries we will always work to enhance their work and reputation. We will trust the missionaries with whom we work to know how we best can do that  

3) The consumption of alcoholic beverages and the use of tobacco products have the potential to hinder our reputation and our witness in other cultures and with those who send us out. In order to avoid any possible problems we will refrain from these activities while we are involved in our day to day missions in country. (This is not a judgment about either alcohol or tobacco but is a commitment we make in deference to those who send us out and those who receive us into their culture.)  

4) The emotional and physical strains of these trips, plus the close bonds of friendship and camaraderie which are developed through them, can lay the foundation for the development of inappropriate relationships. We will exercise extreme discretion, therefore, in our conduct towards members of the opposite sex within our team. We will at all times maintain the highest standards of sexual conduct.  

5) The cost of these trips makes fund-raising opportunities very welcome (and usually necessary). Before engaging in any fund-raising opportunities or projects we will first clear them with the leadership of the team to be sure that they do nothing to hinder our purposes as a team. We agree to abide by decisions that are made concerning the appropriateness of any fund-raising project.  

6) Financial integrity is essential to the reputation and witness of our teams. All money raised, whether through projects or donations, will be used for the mission team. A record of all money raised through projects or donations must be kept by each team member and made available to the team leadership. Any member who has raised funds for the trip but who does not actually participate in that trip will either return those funds or turn them over to the Westminster Medical Mission Short-Term Missions fund for use by this or future teams. Under no circumstances will any person retain funds raised for a trip in which he or she does not actually participate.  

7) Preparation for the trip is crucial to the group experience. With that in mind, we will make every effort to participate in all team meetings. We will all commit to be present for the final team meeting immediately preceding our departure unless absence from the meeting has been approved in advance. I understand that inadequate involvement in the team preparation meetings may disqualify me from participation in the trip.  

8) Bringing closure to our experiences as a team is also crucial to our personal and group health. We will each commit to participate in the team debriefing gathering(s) as we leave the country, and upon our return to the United States.  

By pressing the submit button (or signing and dating below if applying via mail), you agree that you have read the above statements and agree to abide fully by each of them.  Please make arrangements to mail the $50 application fee.