"I was sick and you looked after me."
Matthew 25:36


Pronunciation - A=ah E=EH, C=ch, I=EE O=Oh, OI=oil, U=ulna never used, Y= yet never always or obey common with n y.

Hello Yin / Kopango
Goodbye Dong Iwoti
Man Icoo
Woman Dako
Boy Awobi
Girl Nyako
Baby Atin
Eat Camo
Drink Mato
Water Pii
Food Cam/Cem
Hair Yer
Teeth Lak
Vision Neno
Hearing Winyo
Medicine Yat
Pregnant Yac
Once-a-day Icel nino acel
2 X day tyeno aryo nino acel
3 X day tyeld angwen nino acel
1 tablet nyig yat acel
2 tablets nyig yen aryo
1 teaspoon ogiko chai acel
2 teaspoons ogiko chai aryo
Apply to skin wiro/keto idelkom
Wash with soad Iwoko kede cabun
Cream (Ointment) Moo
Injection Tuco kede pico
As needed Kit amite
Take a deep breath omo weo atut
Breast exam Pimo cak
Pelvic exam Pimo pyer
Rectal exam Pimo dud
Asthma Aoola
Abdominal pain Arama yic
Bloody diarrhea Cado remo
Chest pain Rem kor
Coughing Oolo
Coughing blood Oolo remo
Diarrhea Cado
Fever Lyeto
Headache Abar-wic
Hernia Matuka
Hemorrhoids Two aloti me dud
High Blood Pressure Two itao
Last Period? Two dwe me agiki
Night sweats Kwok cwer iwor
Painful urination lac<wangi/rem
Ulcers Bur
Vaginal discharge pii-pii akato ikdm mon
Vomiting Ngokere
Vomiting blood Ngoko remo
Worms Kudi
Swelling Kwot/ akwota kom