"I was sick and you looked after me."
Matthew 25:36

Mozambique - April 4-18, 2000

After the terrible floods in February and March 2000, Samaritan’s Purse (SP) called for volunteers to go to Mozambique. I was fortunate to be able to go and work for two weeks in the town of Canicado. They had been completely flooded and over 60 people had drowned around the hospital.

Working with another SP doctor and being the second pair of SP doctors brought in we were able to get the hospital cleaned up and starting admitting patients to the hospital.


While there we delivered several babies under difficult circumstances, saw many TB patients, and saw many snakes and treated snake bites. 

One night I was called to kill a 5 foot cobra that was terrifying the women’s ward.





It was a great trip and they are still in need of assistance to this day and still being helped by SP.