"I was sick and you looked after me."
Matthew 25:36
On May 2 I went with NC Baptist Men/ Rescue 24 that was also sponsored by First Baptist Church, Rocky Mt. and Westminster Medical Missions. WMM supplied bags, medicines, crutches, walkers, and other supplies. Part of the team that was to have gone to Zambia agreed to go to Haiti. This was a combined medical and construction team. There were two nurses, a pharmacist, and an x-ray tech on the medical team as well as another doctor from Florida. The construction team was from the Raleigh area and consisted of five men and two women.
We were met at the airport in Port Au Prince by Scott Daughtry. Scott’s wife Janet did most of the cooking and household organization at their quarters on the Global Outreach compound that NCBM/Rescue 24 has leased.
The construction team assembled the components of a 12X12 shelter with a tarp for walls and a tin roof. They were able to construct many of these which were occupied by very grateful Haitians on the same day they were constructed.
The medical team was divided into two teams and saw 1448 patients during the five days of clinics. There were many common diseases such as untreated hypertension, diabetes, and a lot of diarrhea and malnutrition. We were able to give medicine and some food.
Each clinic or building project was opened with a devotional and in some cases even a complete explanation of the gospel by Haitian ministers. There were several people who raised there hand to signify that they wanted to accept Christ. Everyone was prayed for and hopefully there will be some follow-up with those who signified their desire to believe.
The overwhelming issue there was a lack of housing. We held clinics where there were hundreds of makeshift tents with limited food and water. Unemployment is off the charts and poverty is almost universal. Despair is rampant. The tent cities have no electricity and I have great concern about the high potential for diseases such as Cholera, meningitis, and sexually transmitted diseases.
I am also concerned about an exit strategy for all of the aid groups in Haiti. One hospital tried to reopen and charge patients. They had to close down. Imagine, getting aid and charging patients or getting patients to pay when there are so many free clinics and much donated medication. Only God knows the answers.
There are many opportunities to serve in Haiti. Temperatures above 100 degrees, rainy season, crime, Malaria, and the overwhelming job at hand are only a few of the obstacles facing relief workers in Haiti.
Look at some of the pictures and pray for Haiti and the teams to follow in the future.